The World of Color presentation is a show at the Disney theme park California Adventure. It captivates the viewers by utilizing hundreds of fountains, lights, projectors, and misters to create a montage of Disney characters singing and performing. This is art on its own accord purely through the myriad of lights and sounds being displayed to the viewers. Additionally, this is art that could not be performed WITHOUT the use of technology due in large part to the fact that it is displaying images on water particles in the air (which is impressive to say the least).
As you can see from the video, this half an hour presentation is also an experience for the user. Whether you're someone who grew up watching all of the mentioned Disney movies and shows, or you're a parent who showed them to your kids, you can connect with everything being shown on this wall of water. This nostalgic feeling helps to drive home the overall meaning of this art piece, which is meant to make the viewer overcome with emotions.
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